Hope everyone had a great Holiday with their family and friends. We had a houseful - fun times. I was a cooking machine. Kept plenty of Chocobanzo and Hummus in the refrigerator for healthy snacking!
This has been another busy and exciting week. My jars/lids (packaging) arrives tomorrow! Picked up my business cards today and have almost finished my business plan. More and more people are interested and placing orders. I wanted to share an article I found on Whole Foods website regarding the health benefits of Garbanzo beans. Remember.....Get Real, Get Raw and Spread it! Does your food have benefits? Happy 2012!
What's New and Beneficial about Garbanzo Beans
- There's now direct evidence about garbanzo beans and appetite! Participants in a recent study reported more satisfaction with their diet when garbanzo beans were included, and they consumed fewer processed food snacks during test weeks in the study when garbanzo beans were consumed. They also consumed less food overall when the diet was supplemented with garbanzo beans.